Communal living

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Communal living

Postby quantropy » Thu Jan 26, 2017 4:45 pm

Would we benefit from more communal living, or is the wish for privacy and to have individual control over our lives too strong. Can it be done in a way that avoids a hierarchical structure developing?

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Communal living

Postby MylZiz » Tue Feb 18, 2020 3:13 am

Im for communal living and wish there was more of it. Of course, it should be an extension of the nuclear family.

With most families now with two working parents, it is difficult to raise kids. And I cant imagine how single parents can do it. One solution to this would be to rely more on extended families. This could be relatives, neighbors, church, friends. But, given we live in a society of independence, we rarely see this. The only exception to this is some ethnic communities. Look at Mexicans who have kids, can barely speak English, work for low pay, dont have a car, and yet thrive here. How is that? Its because they know about communal living.

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